Tag: vini campani

vigneto sannino

The Sannino’s wine is the strength of Ercolano

We thank the blog of Luciano Pignataro for the careful and accurate description of our company in the article entitled “The Sannino’s wine is the strength of Herculaneum”. We invite you to read to get to know each other better in one fell swoop! 🙂  https://www.lucianopignataro.it/a/il-vino-dei-sannino-e-la-forza-di-ercolano/147689/

vini sannino

ADB #wineclub – A winery at a time

ADB #wineclub – A winery at a time … – … Sannino Herculaneum. “Taurasi 2010” is the wine you like best. The ADB #wineclub regularly organizes blind wine tastings, i.e. the tasters are not informed of the wines they taste. From May 2015, in addition to customary and known tastings, […]

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